Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Uranus report

Uranus Report
Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun  and is a sphere shaped planet. Uranus is far from the sun. Uranus is an outer planet.

Uranus’ weather is cold on the inside and has really strong winds. Uranus has strange seasons like summer winter.  Earth gives Uranus summer and winter. Uranus has no spring or autumn.

Uranus has 13 rings and has rings like jupiter because they are very dark. The rings also are like saturn's because the planet has fairly large particles ranging up to 10 meters into fine dust.

Uranus has 27 moons. The biggest  moons of uranus are Mirinda,Ariel and Umbriel. Most of the moons have not been discovered until the space age.

Uranus is a nice colour blue. Uranus is my favourite planet. Uranus is awesome.

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Space Rap

This rap is about learning about space. There are eight goofy planets. Mercury is the first planet and the closest to the sun. Venus is the same size as earth but spins the opposite way. Earth is the only planet with things living on it. You And Me live on this planet. Mars is the hottest planet not counting the sun and has the highest mountains. Jupiter is the biggest planet and has the most moons and has rings but not the most. Saturn has the most rings and has moons but not the most. Uranus has rings and it is so cool it spins on its side Neptune is the last planet and bluest in the solar system. The sun isn't a planet but it is the hottest star. We love the solar system. It is so beautiful with all the stars and the galaxy. We love space.

Middle room

Middle class 2017

2017 goals